Welcome back to All Things Running with Sonja & Jen. Today Sonja takes the time to remind us the importance of the warming up.
The warmup is often an afterthought, but it’s very important to prep our bodies for a successful workout or race.
If you are preparing for a Thanksgiving day “Turkey Trot” this week it’s a good time to review the importance of a proper “warm up”. The purpose of the warm up is to elevate the heart rate, increase circulation and body temperature, prepare the muscles for more vigorous movement, and of course to reduce the risk of injury. The movements should also prime your body for the activity you will be participating in and include all planes of motion. Just one set of 6-12 reps for most dynamic movements is adequate to prepare the body for harder work. Leg swings and skipping are two excellent dynamic movement exercises for runners.
What is your “go to” dynamic warm up exercise?
Popular Dynamic Warm Up Exercises:
Leg Swings (forward to back and side to side)
High Knee Skips (keep toes up, not pointed down)
Straight Leg Bounds
Bird Dogs
Knee Circles (forward and back)
Donkey Kicks
Glute Bridges
Hip Rotation (both directions)
Heel Walk
Knee Hugs to Chest
Trunk Rotation
Ankle Circles
Choose 6-8 of these and perform 2 sets. Then run easy for 5-15 minutes, run a few short accelerations and you are ready to go! Plan to have completed your entire warmup at least 10 minutes prior to the race start in case you need to line up early. Then just stay as warm and loose as possible.
Happy Thanksgiving all!
Sonja and Jennifer are sharing their personal experiences. This is being provided for informational purposes only. We are not giving medical advice and you should always consult your own doctor for advice related to your own health.